PA FCCLA Membership Campaign
Encouraging New Members
Transform Lives, Lead the Way:
The purpose of the Membership Campaign is to give chapters things to do to help recruit new members,
retain current members, and recognize your chapter successes and member accomplishments.
Chapters need to complete two tasks in each section below to earn state recognition and be invited to attend the special event at State Leadership Conference.
Submission is due February 22. Submit your tasks by emailing your list of tasks to three people:
Vice President of Membership, Madison Drollinger,
Her advisers Jonathan Hall: and Deborah Waughen:
State Facilitator Nadine Standley:
We also encourage you to post your tasks on Instagram or FaceBook with the #PAFCCLA. You may use your chapter’s social media or a member’s social media. Do not include personal names in the posts.
If you have questions, please email the Vice President of Membership, Madison Drollinger,
Section 1 - Recruit
Recruiting tasks will encourage others to join to build friendships, have fun, and help the community.
Bring a non-member to a recruitment party
Hang recruitment posters around the school
Set up a table at open house, freshman orientation, or back-to-school nights
Have a lunch time recruitment table
Updating your website
Post and share on social media
Host a spirit week within the school
Section 2 - Retain
Retaining tasks will develop leadership and teambuilding.
Plan a chapter FCCLA night (bowling, game night, etc)
Hold a fundraiser to help members pay their dues
Hold a contest for returning members to bring in new members
Sponsor a Members’ Ice Cream Party to get to know members
Have a popcorn/snack break during your meeting
Sponsor a community outing for members while you help the community
Attending Regional Leadership Meeting
Section 3 - Recognize
Recognition tasks will showcase your achievements while highlighting members.
Showcase a chapter member through social media with a mini bio
Recognize officers in a hallway display, social media, or school publication
Send a report to administrators about your chapter’s accomplishments
Create a bulletin board to publicize your chapter successes
Posting chapter activities, awards and medals on social media
Get your chapter noticed during your school’s spirit week
Submit a minimum of 3 Power of One applications to PA FCCLA by January 15th
FCCLA members post pictures together at school events on social media and include FCCLA with #PAFCCLA and Caption