Chapter Meetings
Chapters should set up FCCLA meetings to serve their needs. Business meetings should be held throughout the year to keep members informed of chapter finances, committee work, and chapter events. Work meetings can be very useful for getting projects organized.
FCCLA encourages chapters to use FCCLA ceremonies during their meetings. Opening Ceremony and Closing Ceremony should be used at all business meetings and FCCLA conferences. The Installation of Officer Ceremony should be used after chapter election of officers.
Parliamentary Procedure
Chapters are encouraged to use parliamentary procedure rules when conducting meetings. It is good for members to understand a structured voting procedure. PA FCCLA used Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure at all meetings. PA FCCLA Standing Rules (rules to follow when speaking at a meeting) can be adapted to fit your chapter. Our Standing Rules are:
PA FCCLA Standing Rules:
This meeting will be conducted in accordance with Pennsylvania Association State Bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order.
The Standing Rules are:
1. Minutes will be recorded and kept on file at the state office.
2. Limit discussion on any motion to no more than three for and three against.
3. Discussion on a motion will alternate between affirmative and negative.
4. There will be a two-minute time limit per speaker.
5. A state officer may only speak one time per motion in either the affirmative or the negative.
FCCLA Dress Code
PA FCCLA has a Dress Code for all PA FCCLA regional and state meetings. It is the responsibility of the adviser to enforce the dress code. Also use the Dress Code PowerPoint for a visual help when explaining the Dress Code to chapter members.
When attending a National FCCLA meeting, check for the National FCCLA Dress Code on the national website.