What is the deadline for making STAR Events substitutions?
STAR Events substitutions will be accepted following the policy posted on the PA Competitive Events Policies web page.
Where do we find / buy the portfolio and file folders?
The official FCCLA binder/portfolio is ordered through the National FCCLA Store:
Points are deducted if it is not an official binder.
File Folder is not a special type. Sometimes a picture helps. File Folder Directions
Points are deducted if it does not meet the requirements on the rubric.
What should students do if they have other responsibilities at SLC that conflict with the STAR Events schedule?
The STAR Events schedule takes precedence over all other responsibilities and meetings. Any student who is running for state office should notify the STAR Events Team and State Faciliatator when they send in their State Officer Application.
When will Lead Consultants meet to organize the events?
Lead Consultants should check the State Leadership Conference schedule to confirm the time for the Lead Consultant Orientation.
When and where should Member Helpers/Timekeepers report to volunteer?
Students are critical to the success of STAR Events. Member Volunteers should check the State Leadership Conference schedule to confirm the time for the Member Timer Orientation. During the meeting, specific instructions for these volunteers will be given. It is imperative that advisers review the expectations with their school's volunteers, and assure that members understand where and when to report. Be aware that member volunteers may not get an assignment if member spots are filled. For more information locate the STAR Events Coordinator at the STAR Events headquarters at the State Leadership Conference.
When should student STAR Events participants turn in required materials?
STAR Events participants should bring all required materials to their specific event location at the designated time. The exception is that participants in food events will take their equipment to the designated check-in time. Check program for details.
How is the PA FCCLA National Team selected?
The PA National Team is selected by state-established procedures. Chapter members/teams earning the highest score/second highest score in their STAR Event Category may be selected for the National team. Chapter members/teams must earn a minimum score of 75 points during state competition to be named to represent PA FCCLA on the National Team.
What is the definition of STAR Events "category"?
Categories are Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.
Level 1 is grades through 8
Level 2 is grades 9 and 10
Level 3 is grades 11 and 12.
What is the definition of "team"?
Team events may have one, two, or three participants from the same chapter, with the exception of Parliamentary Procedure, which may have four to eight participants from the same chapter.
Events with three categories (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3), a team may be composed of members from different levels, but must compete at the category level of the team member in the highest grade.
Events with only two categories (Level 2 and Level 3) may not include members through grade 8.
Events with only one category (Level 3) may not include members through grade 10.
Other information on the definition of a team can be found in the Competitive Events Guide.
If you have questions or concerns about STAR Events, please contact the STAR Events Coordination Team: