Adviser Resources
Connecting to Information
Chapter Bylaws
Your chapter should have their own bylaws. These will help you keep order, establish rules, and are usually required by the school auditor because you collect money. Use this Bylaw template to help write your chapter’s bylaws.
Promoting Your Chapter
Promoting your chapter with your school board and administrators is a very important part of what you do. Here are a few resources to share with your administration:
What is FCCLA? When explaining our organization to others, consider your audience. Students, parents, and administrators may need an in-depth answer. However the general public can have a short answer. Consider the following:
FCCLA stands for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We are a national career and technical student organization that focuses on leadership development in career pathways through Family and Consumer Sciences and Related Occupations.
Introducing FCCLA:
STAR Events - Where to begin
We have many documents to help learn and explain the STAR Events competitions.
STAR Events - This webpage provides links to all aspects of STAR Events. There is a section about how to select a STAR Event that matches your interests and goals. There is a section about resources to use with each STAR Event.
STAR Events Description - This page gives a brief description of each STAR Event with the eligibility age level.
Linking Competitive Events to National Standards and Initiatives
Competitive events strengthen the Family and Consumer Sciences program by increasing student motivation and providing a framework for authentic learning experiences. This document, Cross-Walking STAR Events, positions each STAR Event and Skill Demonstration Event to the National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences, Common Career Technical Core Career Ready Practices, Career Clusters, 21st Century Skills, and the FCCLA National Programs.
FCCLA Lesson on Dissecting a STAR Event:
Adviser to Adviser Leaders
Adviser-to-Adviser Leaders are instrumental in creating an adviser network in Pennsylvania and/or utilizing an existing network to assist state advisers with training and promotion of FCCLA. Through leadership, planning and training, Adviser to Adviser leaders are equipped with the tools to help motivate, recruit and retain advisers in Pennsylvania.
Challenge thinking
Guide discussions
Share ideas
Provide handouts/resources
Promote membership
Serve as a model
Network with advisers
Adviser Mentors
If you are interested in consulting with an Adviser Mentor, please contact Nadine Standley, State Facilitator at
Professional Development
Advisers are encouraged to belong to professional organizations associated with our organization.
Pennsylvania Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
ListServe of Chapter Advisers
PA Advisers are automatically placed on this list.
If you are someone interested in starting an FCCLA chapter, make sure you are receiving emails from Mrs. Nadine Standley at
If your school changes your email address, it is your responsibility to send your updated address.