Alumni & Associates

Promoting Passion for FCCLA

Alumni and Associates are part of a network of adults who believe in Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.  Former members and advisers of FCCLA, current and former Family and Consumer Sciences professionals, teachers, parents, school administrators, employers, and business and community leaders who support the mission and purposes of FCCLA are encouraged to get involved.  Demonstrate your loyalty and support of FCCLA, the only Career and Technical Student Organization with the family as its central focus, by enrolling in Alumni and Associates.

State Membership Opportunities for Alumni and Associates
State Membership gives you the opportunity to work within Pennsylvania working at Regional Leadership Meetings, State Leadership Conference and within chapters.  It also provides an avenue for exhibiting your business, company, or educational institution at the State Leadership Conference.

National Membership Opportunities for Alumni and Associates
National Membership is available to former members, professionals, and friends of FCCLA.  Being able to connect and keep in touch with FCCLA members after high school offers opportunities beyond what members have already gained in the classroom.  For information about National Alumni & Associates, check out the national website.

Already a Member?  
Mr. Scott Krug, BOD Alumni and Associates Representative, will email you throughout the year.  He will check in to see if your email address is up-to-date and he will let you know about any happenings in Pennsylvania FCCLA.   This email will include volunteer opportunities as a STAR Events evaluator or as an exhibitor at State Leadership Conference.   PA FCCLA understands that some years you may be too busy to volunteer, but please continue your membership as you may be able to assist in the future.

Not a Member?
Joining PA FCCLA Alumni and Associates has never been easier!  Registration is on-line.  Open this registration link and fill in the questionnaire.  Clicking submit at the bottom of the form will make you a member!  Membership is free.  If you have any questions or need more information, please email Mr. Scott Krug at

Share your Success
Are you a former member?  We would like to hear your success story, and how FCCLA helped to shape your life and career. 
Please send your success story to  Stories will be featured on this page.