News & Media
Publicizing Your Chapter
Resources: The “FCCLA Branding Guide” explains how to use the media to gain notoriety for your chapter. This informative guide will tell you how and when to use a Public Service Announcement, Media Advisory, or News Release. It will help you create a media plan for the year and offer suggestions about using different types of media including newspapers, radio, television, the Internet and social networking.
When to publicize their chapter:
Before an event to get people to attend
After an event to tell about the event
News about a member’s individual project for STAR Event competition
News about a leadership service project
News about the honors your chapter won in FCCLA competition
An article or post about the members who were honored for receiving their Power of One
A press release or post about the trip your chapter took, attendance at regional or state meetings
An article or post about a current social concern, like obesity or bullying, and how your chapter is working for changes
Media Use:
Advisers and chapters need to use media to their advantage. Press releases, news articles, websites, and social media are very important for chapter recognition and your public image. When using social media, include #PAFCCLA so the state officers can have your post shared on PA FCCLA social media.
Publish all participation in local, state and national activities.
Check to see if the news article can be shared digitally.
Make all your social media posts sharable. Be sure to follow your school's social media restrictions.
Send the digital article or the original press release to the PA FCCLA State Facilitator.
Public Relations Ideas:
Make your FCCLA Chapter visible in the school with a showcase display, bulletin board, chapter t-shirts, participation in school assemblies, posting a FCCLA banner in your classroom, having members wear FCCLA red, publicize FCCLA STAR Events results and award winners in school-wide announcements, publish an article on the school website, FCCLA pictures in the school yearbook, using FCCLA officers in school events, etc.
What to say:
To answer the question, "What is FCCLA?" chapter members and advisers should develop an short 2-3 sentence reply such as:
Short Speech: FCCLA stands for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We are a national career and technical student organization that works through Family & Consumer Sciences education and related occupations courses to prepare students for careers in human services, education and training, hospitality and tourism, and visual arts and design.
Chapter may want to use PSAs in their local media. Nationals had provided a general FCCLA PSA for chapter use:
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, FCCLA, is a national Career and Technical Student Organization for young men and women in Family and Consumer Sciences education in public and private school through grade 12. FCCLA offers intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue careers that support families. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education. To learn more about FCCLA visit